Park Computers Ltd in Blackburn

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Phone: +44 1254 696111
Street: Blackburn, 100 Darwen St, Blackburn, Lancashire BB2 2AJ
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Who are Park Computers?

We are a company who has been around for a while, have learnt from our experiences and are ready and able to support you in all of your IT needs. We are based in Blackburn, Lancashire – up in the North West of England.

From our humble beginnings on Park Road in Lower Audley (across from the ice arena, if you remember it) we have grown into one of the largest independent computer retailers in Lancashire. This doesn’t mean that we are just going to rest on our laurels. We are always forwards thinking, always offering new products and services. We find that it’s good to think “outside the box” – it keeps us on our toes.

The same team are still here, still working together after all these years! I’m sure if you give us a visit you will see a familiar face or two.

The technologies may have changed, some amazing new innovations have arrived in the computer industry, but it’s good to know that you can still rely on your local computer store. That is what Park Computers is all about.


Park Computers Ltd

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